Bobby Talks Teen Vaping

<span style=" font-size:="" http-equiv="refresh" large="">Does your teenager vape?  

If so, use this time to encourage them to stop. 

New Zealand is on lockdown, which means youths access to vaping products is significantly reduced; there's nowhere to run; there's nowhere to hide.  

Nothing worse than a nagging parent, especially one you can't get away from.🤣  
The known and potential health hazards are excellent reasons for teens to consider quitting their e-cigarette habit.

The new coronavirus pandemic adds urgency to that equation, not to mention the opportunity for parents to have these talks whether your teen is vaping or not.

"They can be easily concealed because they often look like flash drives, flashlights, or pens. They also don't emit the tell-tale odour of a traditional cigarette. The discreet, even secretive, nature of vaping can give teens a convenient thrill — along with a jolt of nicotine that reduces stress and anxiety.
Author Rebecca Ruiz

Rebecca makes some excellent points, but widespread teen vaping is a phenomenon that only exists in the United States, and it exists there because of one brand – JUUL – that marketed its products to minors. 

JUUL is not officially available in New Zealand. According to The Lancet, widespread teen vaping does not exist in New Zealand. In fact, vaping is displacing smoking among teens.

Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on drug abuse. Stated COVID-19 could be an "especially serious threat" to those who smoke tobacco, marijuana or vape.
"Right now, if you need a reason to quit, look no farther than COVID-19" 

One of the side effects of the current COVID-19 pandemic has been the proliferation of the idea that those who vape are at increased risk of contracting or transmitting the virus, although there is no evidence that this is true.

COVID-19 Pandemic and Vaping: What You Need to Know

"If you vape, you should not return to smoking. Smoking causes underlying health conditions that will certainly increase your chance of contracting COVID-19 or of developing complications from the infection."


Rather than scaring our youth into ethical decision making, we should use this time to educate our children about the risks of vaping and encourage them to make choices that lead to healthy, happy lives.

Vape Education Articles For Parents 

How To Speak To Your Children About Vaping!

NZ E-Liquid Flavour Ban Is the Wrong Way to Address Underage Vaping

Let's support Vape Nz and get our country smoke free 


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