Bobby Talks Teen Vaping

<span style=" font-size:="" http-equiv="refresh" large=""> Does your teenager vape? If so, use this time to encourage them to stop. New Zealand is on lockdown, which means youths access to vaping products is significantly reduced; there's nowhere to run; there's nowhere to hide. Nothing worse than a nagging parent, especially one you can't get away from.🤣 The known and potential health hazards are excellent reasons for teens to consider quitting their e-cigarette habit. The new coronavirus pandemic adds urgency to that equation, not to mention the opportunity for parents to have these talks whether your teen is vaping or not. Teens who vape should consider quitting now. Here's how to do it. "They can be easily concealed because they often look like flash drives, flashlights, or pens. They also don't emit the tell-tale odour of a traditional cigarette. The disc...